
Great idea--and as they say in the commercials: "You'll Be Glad You Did!"

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I remember a LONG time ago, when David Gerrold had his 'State of the Art" column, he scoffed at the premise of the novel LOGAN'S RUN, and devoted a significant amount of space panning it, all while admitting he had never read it. WFN responded in a letter column, a bit defensively but justifiably outraged that Gerrold would negatively review a book he hadn't read. WFN went on to mention that he (Nolan) had at least read Gerrold's latest novel, THE MAN WHO FOLDED HIMSELF, before telling anyone how bad it was, offering as a parting shot: "I suggest Mr. Gerrold go fold himself."

And now that I've written at length about this, I just realized how completely off-topic it is if it was George Clayton Johnson who responded to Gerrold's "review." Either way, Go Fold Yourself has been part of my personal vernacular since the late 1970s.

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I remember that and it WAS Nolan, in "STARLOG," and I could never trust a Gerrold review after that lol. As for Nolan's review of Gerrold's The Man Who Folded Himself, he didn't lie. A real stinkeroonie.

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I'm the kind of person that buys more books I'll ever be able to read........I just went to my shelf, and took out William F. Nolan's 'Night Shapes', which is signed by WFN and Peter Straub........afterward by Robert Bloch......and about 15 blurbs on the back cover from all the heavy hitters, praising WFN....I've had this Cemetery Dance slipcased since 1995! I think I'll start reading it today.........thsnks for the reminder........

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